Dress Code

Dress Shirt and Tie/Polos

Dress shirts of any color or pattern should be worn with a tie. No denim or double pockets. Polos are seasonal attire and permitted during warm months. Shirts must be tucked in during the school day.

Pants and Belt

Students can wear dress pants or khakis with NO external pockets or stitching. Belts must be worn.


Dress shoes are cut below the ankle and have a full front, back and sides. No casual boat shoes/top siders. Athletic shoes are only to be worn for P.E. class.

Hair Cut

Hair must be the student's natural color, clean, well kept, and trimmed in a business-like fashion. Hair should be off the shoulders in the back and above the eyebrows in the front. Students with hair longer than shoulder length must keep the hair in a neat bun or ponytail during the school day. Hair should not cover the ears.