Dual Enrollment/Online Courses
University of Detroit Jesuit has two opportunities available to high school students: dual enrollment in a college or university and the Arrupe Learning Institute (AVLI).
Dual Enrollment
The State of Michigan enacted legislation that permits students in private schools to benefit from dual enrollment. Dual enrollment allows students in grades 9 - 12 to take courses (including online) at Michigan public or private colleges or universities. If the student qualifies, tuition, fees, and books are paid for by the State of Michigan. Any portion not covered by the State of Michigan is the responsibility of the student’s family.
This may be a great opportunity for many students, but there are a number of specific conditions regarding participation:
- A student must have qualifying assessment scores (Pre-ACT/PSAT/ACT/SAT) as determined by the State of Michigan.
- College courses cannot be in physical education, theology, hobbies, crafts, or recreational.
- If a course is not completed, the student must repay all expenses to the Treasury Department of the State of Michigan.
- Foreign students with an active visa cannot participate.
- The course cannot be a required academic class or one offered by the high school.
- The course may not be taken in the summer term.
Participation in dual enrollment does not exempt a student from earning all the required credits for graduation as specified in the school handbook. Private school students are not given the option by the State of Michigan to take courses for high school credit; only college credit can be awarded. College courses need to be taken after school or during the weekend. Eligible students may elect no more than 10 courses while in high school.
Because of the restrictions and deadlines involved, it is very important that students be in contact with the Academic Affairs office regarding dual enrollment. There may be circumstances where a dual enrollment course can be considered a student’s sixth class of the day. For example students who have completed all courses in a subject area such as math or foreign language.
Online Classes
Some courses offered through the Arrupe Virtual Learning Institute (AVLI) are approved as a sixth course in a student’s schedule. All others are available for student enrichment. AVLI courses will be shown on transcripts and used in GPA calculations, an exception to our rule of excluding grades from “other schools”. Please contact the Academic Affairs Office regarding course fees. There may also be additional AP testing fees.
The courses approved as a student's sixth class are:
- Fine Arts: AP Art History, AP Music Theory
- Mathematics: AP Statistics, Multivariable Calculus
- Social Studies: AP Psychology, AP World History
- One-semester each: AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics
Click here to view other courses offered by the Arrupe Virtual Learning Institute. Other AVLI courses may be taken with the approval of the Assistant Principal of Academics. All other courses are open as enrichment courses for a seventh or eighth course in a student’s schedule. Students should research the content and requirements of these courses before committing to enrollment. Please reference the College Board Advance Placement website for details.
Course Pre-requisites:
- Students must demonstrate strong academic skills in the content area of course requested. Pre-ACT and PSAT scores along with grade point average are factors in determining recommendation for an AVLI on-line course.
- Students should consider how many other honors and AP classes they are enrolling in, time commitments for current course load and student activities - clubs and sports to determine if an on-line course is manageable.
- Caution - managing an on-line course is different - it does not meet regularly, has threaded virtual communication, and is paced to deadlines; not test days.
Drop and Add:
If an online course is a student’s sixth class:
- The drop/add period is ten days after the start of the academic year.
- If the course is a full-year class, students are not eligible for drop/add at the end of Semester 1